Canada 香港六合彩官网 Chairs

Canada 香港六合彩官网 Chairs

The allocation of Chairs to individual universities is an integral part of the Canada 香港六合彩官网 Chairs program. Firstly, the allocation process ensures a dynamic program that responds to shifting research success at Canada鈥檚 academic institutions. Secondly, the process works to attract and retain individuals who are recognized as the world's most accomplished and promising researchers. Chair-holders aim to achieve research excellence in their areas of study, and to strengthen Canada鈥檚 international competitiveness as they improve depth of knowledge, quality of life, and develop the next generation through student supervision, teaching and research creation and coordination. ECU鈥檚 allocation of CRCs will follow our Strategic 香港六合彩官网 Plan.

Current CRC Postings